chair in spanish wordreference
To be in the chair take the chair presidir. Electric chair n.
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Translation of chair in Spanish.

. Chair sth vtr. They chaired him off the ground le sacaron del campo a hombros. An office easy upholstered adjustable chair.
Sitting in a chair. Offered him a chair. Joe cant walk very far unaided so he usually uses a chair.
Silla presidente presidencia cátedra sillón asiento butaca catedrático presidir dirigir. Independent chair n. To moderate to reduce to hold down to tone down moderar moderando moderado vb Chaired by.
Ils ont généralement une chair juteuse épaisse. Armchair sillón m butaca f. Wheeled chair for disabled person silla de ruedas loc nom f.
More Spanish words for chair. An extra chair for. Upholstered chair n.
More translations in context. The two men clasped hands to make a chair for their injured companion. Wheelchair silla f de ruedas seat lugar m asiento m.
Policy of not taking ones seat in parliament etc. Chair in Spanish chair noun presidente - silla - asiento - coordinador - moderador - silla de la reina - sillón - butaca - cátedra - presidencia - presidenta - presidenta de mesa - presidente de. Please take a chair siéntese or tome asiento por favor.
Dont lean back on your chair. Spanish-English Vocabulary Vocabulario Español-Inglés. Armchair sillón m butaca f.
3 of meeting presidencia f. Was leaning back on in his chair. WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary 2022.
Por lo general tienen una pulpa jugosa de espesor. Refers to person place thing quality etc. Política de la silla vacía policy of the empty chair.
For one person usually having four legs for support and a rest for the back and often having rests for the arms. Spanish translation of chair. Heres a list of translations.
Something that serves as a chair or supports like a chair. Chaire translation in French - Spanish Reverso dictionary see also chairechairCairechapitre examples definition conjugation. Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como sustantivo femenino casa de citas zona cero arma.
In parliament etc movieron la silla para que cayese. Furniture a seat esp. To be in the chair take the chair presidir.
Wheelchair silla f de ruedas seat lugar m asiento m. To address the chair dirigirse al presidente. A seat of office or authority.
Silla alta high chair. Cuando se trata de una persona o animal se debe usar el artículo que corresponde al género de esa persona o. Please take a chair siéntese or tome asiento por favor.
1 gen silla f. Wheelchair silla de ruedas nf loc adj. Sillón de masajes m.
Sb who presides jointly copresidente n común. Silla eléctrica lugar moderador jefa Chair. Calentar la silla to stay too long.
Sat down on his her chair nearly fell off his chair. Con un ponente de esa categoría ha sido fácil presidir esta comisión. Refers to person place thing quality etc.
Refers to person place thing quality etc. Use a chair to reach a book the furniture tops find fetch a chair to sit on. Saved you a chair.
Dentists chair n. 1 person llevar a hombros. Pull over up a chair.
Joe no puede caminar mucho sin ayuda así que en general usa una silla de ruedas. Sillón de dentista m. The chair US electric chair la silla eléctrica.
Popsint Se encargó a la Presidencia del Comité que colaborara en estrecha consulta con l a Mesa p ar a seleccionar en nombre del Comité a los copresidentes del grupo de trabajo. Sustantivo que tiene una sola forma para los dos géneros humorista comediante músico. The Chair of the Committee was entrusted to work in close consultation with the Bureau to select on behalf of the Committee co-chairs for the working group.
2 Univ cátedra f. Nombre común en cuanto al género.
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